Travel to US
Previous Overstay in the United States?
Previous overstay in the United States?
Sometimes, the past can impact your future. This is especially true when it comes to crossing the US-Canadian border. If you have previously overstayed in the United States, you will be inadmissible. An overstay refers to anyone who has remained in the United States beyond their authorized period. Typically this means for more than one year but will vary depending on individual circumstances. If you have overstayed in the United States, you will be banned for a period of time and will require a US Entry Waiver in order to enter the US.
How We Can Help
Canada Pardon & US Waiver Experts Inc. helps you overcome the obstacles your past presents. We start by assigning you your personal case management expert who will bring their knowledge and wisdom to:
- Work with you to understand your personal situation and to determine the best plan of action.
Develop an individual plan for you and your family to help minimize future consequences.
Navigate the legal system for you and collect and complete necessary legal documents.
Educate and coach you throughout to bring the best result in the shortest time.
Save you time, money, and headaches.
Let us help you turn your past into positive outcomes.
The US Entry Waiver Timeline and Process
What You Need To Know:
Obtaining a US Entry Waiver requires more than filling out some paperwork - trust the professionals at Canada Pardon & US Waiver Experts to help get you through it quickly and confidently. In addition to completing the application, you will need to submit supporting documents - all of these pieces work together to create the most compelling case possible.
How Long Does It Take To Get A US Entry Waiver?
Depending on your situation the process can take on average from 3-12 months including the review of your application by Homeland Security.
The Process:
Understand Your Unique Situation Get the facts about your reason for inadmissibility
Determine Requirements Based on results from the RCMP fingerprint check
Prepare Your Documents Acquiring the proper legal supporting documents can often take between 2 to 6 months
Submit the Application Once your application has been submitted we will continue to support you and answer any questions that may arise.
The CPUSW Experts Advantage!
When you choose CPUSW Experts Inc. to help you, rest assured that you will get more than just our great reputation and responsive service. Our team will take the time to understand your individual situation and frame our approach to fit your unique needs, giving you the peace of mind you need to live your life without interference from your past.
Ensure a Fast OutcomeGet a fast and uncomplicated outcome.
An Experienced and Professional Team With over 10 years of experience we’ve dealt with some of the toughest cases.
Personal Attention and CompassionYour caseworker will work one-on-one with you to give you the dignity you deserve.
Convenient Location We're conveniently located around Vaughan Mills Shopping Centre between highway 407, 400.
How To Get Started
The US Entry Waiver application is an overwhelming process – trust the professionals at Canada Pardon & US Waiver Experts to help get you through it quickly and confidently.
For a confidential and free consultation call 1-855-792-4837